‘’Christianity Is Not A Bed Of Roses’’

The Gomoa District Area Head of the African Faith Tabernacle Church and minister in charge of the Bungalow branch of the Church in Agona Swedru, Snr. Pastor Kofi Ngurumesi Esuon has said that Christianity is not a religion of roses, as made to be seen by some so-called men of God.

According to him, one is bound to face series of challenges when one decides to become a Christian, as he or she then becomes a target of the devil.

He blamed the perception on some pastors who he said only preaches prosperity and makes it look like one is not bound to face any trouble the moment one becomes a Christian.

He has therefore advised Christians to discard that notion and be prepared to face temptations, as according to him, it is the yardstick to measure the faith of a true Christian.

In another development, the Agona Swedru Area  Head of the Christ Chapel Int. Mission, Apostle James Akyerekwah Jnr. has admonished Christians to do away with petty characters that turns to affect their Christian life negatively.

He mentioned fornication, adultery, backbiting, gossiping and enviness as some of the common Characters in some Christians that the religion abhors, and has therefore warn them to guard against such characters.

Apostle Akyerekwah gave this  advice ahead of a get-together party to be organized by the Church for its members.

 By. Robert Ayanful

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