Let’s Not Repeat Ayawaso Incidents – Clergy

A member of the Clergy and minister in charge of the Apostles’ Continuation Church in Agona swderu, Rev. Emmanuel Asante has warned political parties to advice their supporters against any eelction malpractices in any subsequent elections, particularly at a time that the country is preparing for general elections next year and beyond, to avoid the incidents that happeened during the Ayawaso West Wuogon bi-elections where people were attacked and assaulted, with others receiving gun shot wounds.

He has also warned electorates to avoid going to jurisdictions beyond their electoral area in the name of protecting and securing their ballots, as he said that is the sole mandate of security personnel detailed to those pollin stations.

Rev. Asante who was commenting on the Ayawaso incident however called on key players of elections, the Electoral Commission not only to be concerned about conducting and announcing election results, but also about putting in place measures that will protect the life of the elctorate.

He also called on the National Commission for Civic Education to carry out rigurous and regular education for the masses about their rights and responsibilities.

He said democracy is about expressing one’s opinion through the ballot box, and not about showing strength and power as had been exibitted by some party youth in recent times.

He again condemned utterances made by some leaders of the two main political parties, the NDC and NPP, saying those utterances do not only go to justify such unacceptable acts by their supporters, but they also incite them, and has therefore cautioned them to refrain from all such comments.

Rev. Asante further warned politicians to stop giving the people, especially the youth vain promises which they know they can not fulfil, as that is also another root cause of agitation by the youth.

He has however advised the youth not to give heed to any call by any politician to engage in any acts of mayhem for his ot her parochial political interest.

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