Rev. Sister Jacinta Kwakyewaa give facelift to Akyem Aperade RC Kindergarten.

Global Education Award winner Rev. Sr. Jacinta Kwakyewaa has given a facelift to Akyem Aperade RC Kindergarten School in the Akyem Achiase District, Eastern Region.

She paints the school, buys tables and chairs, builds a seesaw, does art work on the school building, and donates playing and learning materials for the school.

Roman Sister Jacinta has been helping a lot of communities in Ghana.

The Rev. Sr. Jacinta Kwakyewaa stated in an interview with Oyerepa TV that Aperade RC Kindergarten is the school that nurtured her, so she thought it wise to give back to the school that made her who she is now.

She said through the facelift of the school, she believes it will improve enrollment in the school.

According to her, she visited the town where the school is located and decided to visit the school.

After she visited the school, she saw that the school needed to be painted and that the chairs the children were using were over their age.

When they sat on the chairs, their legs would be hanging, which made it difficult for them.

When they wanted to write, they had to stand and burn down before they could write, which touched her heart, so she decided to help the school.

She pleaded with the school authority to take very good care of the things she has done for the school.

Rev. Sister Jacinta Kwakyewaa urged everyone to remember where they are coming from and support them in any way they can.

The Headmaster of Aperade RC Kindergarten and the chiefs of Akyem Aperade express their appreciation to the Rev. Sister for what she has done for the school.

Report by Samuel Quaye.

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