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A motivational speaker and preacher of the Divine Gift Worship Ministry in Agona Swedru, Prophet Philip McCallister has blamed Ghana’s woes on selfish interest on the part of the country’s political leaders. He said the problem does not pertain to Ghana alone, but African in general.

He expressed regret why the sole ambition of the new crop of political leaders on the continent is only to amass wealth for themselves and their families, to the detriment of the citizenry who entrusted power into their hands.

He asked why Africa, with all the natural resources endowed it, as compared to the other continents, continues to wallow in abject poverty.

He however blamed the situation on bad and selfish leadership, noting that this has contributed to high rate of poverty among the people on the continent.

He pointed out that the continent can only change this destiny if its leaders desist from their selfish ambitions and use its resources wisely to the benefit of its people.

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